"Mark of Real Heroes"
Nishan-e-Haider: The Highest Military Award of Pakistan, made of weapon metal, caught from the foe in the past wars, with a green strip and a star with five focuses is granted to fighters who Show extraordinary deeds of boldness and bravery in war or on dynamic obligation. It is a happenstance that all beneficiaries of "Nishan-e-Haider' doled out the most important thing they had - their lives - in the administration of the country and in guarding the outskirts of the homeland. So far 7 officers (counting one from the Pakistan Air energy) and three men have been honored with this courage honor. Here is a concise record of these men, who would be associated with their deeds of strength, courage and magnanimity.
1) Captain Muhammad Sarwar

2) Major Tufail Muhammad
Majour Tufail Muhammad was conceived in 1914 and was authorized in the sixteenth Punjab Regiment in 1943. Upon making of Pakistan, he joined Pakistan Army. Throughout 1958, with fringe engagements with India in the past East Pakistan, Major Tufail Muhammad was directing an organization of the East Pakistan Rifles close to the town of Lakshmipur. The organization encompassed an unlawful Indian post, which was raised by the Indians in violation of the globally perceived limit between the two nations. Throughout the adversary movement, Major Tufail was mortally injured, however did not quit battling even around other people. In the hand-to-hand experience that took after, Major Tufail kept on leadding his troops work the Indians were determined out, leaving four dead and three detainees. Notwithstanding, Major Tufail himself succumbed to his injuries and grasped shahadat on the seventh August 1958. He was granted with the second Nishan-e-Haider for his courage.
3) Major Raja Aziz Bhatti
Major Raja Aziz Bhatti was conceived in 1928 in Hong Kong and joined the first PMA Long Course and was authorized in 1950 in the Punjab Regiment. He was an extremely well perused officer, having passed out with the pined for Sword of Honor and knew numerous remote dialects. Throughout the 1965 Indo-Pak war, he was ordering an organization by and large range Burki of the Lahore Sector. Major Bhatti's guards on the renowned BRB (Banmban Wali Ravian Bedian) Link Canal was subjected to substantial Indian rehashed strike coupled with unending gunnery and tank discharge for five days and nights. Anyhow Major Bhatti and his men remained like a rock. Keeping in mind the end goal to have an agreeable perspective of the attacking foe, Major Bhatti would regularly leave his shelter and stand clear of the trench bank. On 10 September 1965, while he was coordinating the mounted guns shoot, he was hit by an adversary tank shell. Major Bhatti grasped shahadat and was honored with the third and the main Nishan-e-Hiader of 1965 war.
4) Pilot Officer Rashid Minhas
Pilot Officer Rashid Minhas was conceived on seventeenth February 1951 and throughout 1971, he was under preparing in the Pakistan Air Force. In August 1971, when the Indians had put part of weight in the eastern wing, Rashid Minhas was occupied in his routine preparing at PAF Base Masroor. On that pivotal day of 20 August 1971, while he was navigating his air ship towards to runway, a Bengali nonconformist Instructor Pilot (IP) constrained his route into the back cockpit of the two-seat plane mentor and simultaneously harm Rashid Minhas. The IP seized control of the air ship and headed to India. At the point when Minhas recaptured awareness, he understood that the departing suddenly pilot was heading towards India, so he attempted to recapture control of the plane. However being harmed, he was not fit to undertake the controls, so he constrained the air ship to crash nearly thirty two miles short of the outskirts. By losing his own particular life, he not just spared the air ship from getting under the control of the Indians, additionally imperilled the malafide propositions of his IP. He turned into the first PAF officer to get Nishan-e-Haider.
Major Akram was conceived in 1938 in town Dingha (Gujrat) and was appointed in the Frontier Force Regiment in 1963. Throughout 1971 Indo - Pak war, Major Akram was telling a rifle organization of the fourth FF Regiment in the forward regions of the Hilli area. The position held by Major Akram and his organization was exceptionally essential and had hindered adversary's course of development. Consequently it went under consistent and overwhelming air, mounted guns and tank ambushes. Yet for just about two weeks, in spite of foe predominance in both numbers and blaze force, Major Akram and his men stayed dug in and rebuffed each assault, causing overwhelming setbacks on the foe. The Indians numerous a period requested that him surrender however Major Akram won't. At long last, overwhelmed and exhausted, Major Akram grasped shahadat battling at close quarter fight in the celebrated "Clash of Hilli" and was granted with the fifth Nishan-e-Hiader.
5) Major Muhammad Akram
Major Akram was conceived in 1938 in town Dingha (Gujrat) and was appointed in the Frontier Force Regiment in 1963. Throughout 1971 Indo - Pak war, Major Akram was telling a rifle organization of the fourth FF Regiment in the forward regions of the Hilli area. The position held by Major Akram and his organization was exceptionally essential and had hindered adversary's course of development. Consequently it went under consistent and overwhelming air, mounted guns and tank ambushes. Yet for just about two weeks, in spite of foe predominance in both numbers and blaze force, Major Akram and his men stayed dug in and rebuffed each assault, causing overwhelming setbacks on the foe. The Indians numerous a period requested that him surrender however Major Akram won't. At long last, overwhelmed and exhausted, Major Akram grasped shahadat battling at close quarter fight in the celebrated "Clash of Hilli" and was granted with the fifth Nishan-e-Hiader.
6) Major Shabir Sharif
Major Shabir Sharif was conceived in 1943 in town Kunjah (Gujrat) and was authorized in 1964 in the Frontier Force Regiment. Throughout the 1965 Indo-Pak war, Major Shabir Sharif was granted with Sitara-e-Jurrat (the third most astounding heroism military recompense) for his fearlessness and courage. In 971, Major Shabir's 6 FF Regiment, was requested in December 1971 to catch high ground close Sulemanki Headwork shielded by more than an organization of the Indian Assam Regiment underpinned by a squadron of tanks. Major Shabir and his men in the wake of intersection a minefield and huge obstructions and killing forty three officers and wrecking four tanks, Major Sharif and his men held two adversary contingents under control for quite some time. On the other hand, on 6 December, the Indians mounted a wild assault backed by tanks. Evaluating the circumstances to be discriminating and not bringing any chances with the foe, Major Shabir himself assumed control over an against tank firearm from his heavy armament specialist and let go on the foe tanks. At the same time, the foe tank shot its primary firearm on Major Shabir's area, killing him toward the evening of sixth December. Overcome as he generally might have been, he demonstrated his grit at the end of the day and was recompensed with the pined for Nishan-e-Haider.
7) Sowar Muhammad Hussain
Sowar (the fundamental rank in the Armored Corps proportional to a sepoy) Muhammad Hussain was conceived in 1949 in Dhok Pir Bakhsh and joined the 20 th Lancers (Armored Corps) as a driver in 1966. Sowar Hussain was constantly excited to perform employments that were not ordinarily implied for drivers and was constantly in fore fronts to help the others. Throughout the 1971 war, he recognized the foe burrowing along a minefield close to the town of Harar Khurd. Brave as he might have been, he on his own drive called and administered faultless flame at the foe bringing about the decimation of sixteen of their tanks. Nonetheless, bizarre are the routes for the brave and bold men picked for them by the Almighty. While he was all the while coordinating discharge from a recoilless rifles, he was hit in the midsection by a blast of assault rifle shoot and grasped shahadat on tenth December 1971. While he was honored with the Nishan-e-Haider for his boldness and fortitude, his town senior citizens as a tribute to his courage renamed their town as Dhok Muhammad Hussain Janjua.